
Foundation skills in reading, writing and numbers help with the requirements of everyday life, work and community participation for those with special needs.
Stop being left behind! It’s never too late to learn more! Foundations Programs are written for and delivered exclusively to students with an Intellectual Disability or Cognitive Brain Impairment who have left school and need support to gain or improve skills in, reading and writing, communication, numbers in everyday situations, engagement with community and improving prospects of employment.
Our ‘building blocks’ courses include;
A ‘Transition Education’ qualification or, after chatting with our team we might find you more suited to a ‘Work Education’ qualification that includes a placement for work experience, or possibly a qualification that also helps you build literacy and numeracy skills and to build confidence for use in the workplace, the community or for further education.
All of these programs are paced to cover all learning styles and difficulties. Program clusters, or even the whole course, can be repeated until you are comfortable you have gained the knowledge required. Government funding is available for these qualifications if you are eligible. You can also contact us directly and we will check your eligibility and get you started. These courses are delivered part-time in various sites throughout Melbourne and regional centres and are face-to-face delivery only.