You are brilliant!
Release your inner brilliance with life education

We will listen to you and together find a program to suit.

Welcome! is a Registered Training Organsation (R.T.O. 21946) dedicated to providing Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualifications, courses and workshops to everyone interested in learning in an enjoyable, worthwhile, focused and flexible way.

Education provides empowerment;

Empowerment may manifest in the confidence to start a new career, or through increasing skills; allowing us to be better at what we currently do. It may come from a new or greater confidence in our ability to learn, more financial security, more social skills or knowing that we have become more valuable to our employer. Empowerment often comes from simply learning that while “school may not have been our thing” there are other pathways to education!

There is no downside to education; once we have discovered a method of learning that suits us it should never stop. is here to empower you with our programs and provide the learning opportunity you seek to help you on your life journey. Let us know your interest, or ask us a question – we will listen and work with you to help get you started.

Course funding

Government funding is also available for our courses.

Both the Federal and the State government are supporting the increase of training and qualifications for all eligible Australians.

Blended Learning

We offer easy and flexible access to education programs.

Blended and Distance Learning programs make continuing education accessible to everyone, whether it's gaining a qualification or learning new skills, there is no limit!

The first step toward your future is here