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22294VIC Course in Initial Adult Literacy and Numeracy
22293VIC Certificate I in Initial Adult Literacy and Numeracy

Detailed information regarding Fees and Charges are available here Fees & Charges

The following ‘Foundation Courses’ have the same Fee Structure applied to all courses and entry to these qualifications is restricted to those students with a permanent cognitive impairment or an intellectual disability.

  • 22301Vic Certificate I in Transition Education
  • 22302Vic Certificate I in Work Education
  • 22293Vic Course in Initial Adult Literacy and Numeracy
  • 22294Vic Certificate I in Initial Adult Literacy and Numeracy
Payment Model Tuition Fee Resources Fee Amenities Fee TOTAL
Skills First Funded $200.00 $0.00 $0.00 $200.00
Skills First Funded with Concession $40.00 $0.00 $0.00 $40.00
Fee for Service N/A N/A N/A N/A
NOTE: student tuition fees as published are subject to change given individual circumstances at time of enrolment. does not take tuition fees in advance above an amount of $1500.00 from any student enrolling in a course. If any further fees are required throughout the course the amount taken by will not exceed $1500 for services not yet provided.
Fee for Service rates apply to those who do not meet the Victorian Skills First eligibility criteria and wish to study qualifications.
Courses and workshops delivered by outside the National Qualifications Framework are charged at the Fee for Services rates applicable at the time of enquiry.
*Eligibility criteria applies for both the Victorian Skills First Funding and for the Concession Rate.

Example units for 22293VIC Course in Initial Adult Literacy and Numeracy

Literacy Units
VU21724 Recognise and use letters of the alphabet
VU21725 Recognise pictures and symbols
VU21726 Read simple words
VU21727 Communicate using pictures and symbols
VU21728 Write simple words
VU21729 Communicate orally using single words


Numeracy Units
VU21730 Recognise and use whole numbers from 1 to 10
VU21731 Recognise and use whole numbers from 11 to 20
VU21732 Recognise and use whole numbers from 21 to 50
VU21733 Recognise and use whole numbers from 51 to 200
VU21734 Recognise and use time
VU21735 Recognise coins and notes
VU21736 Recognise basic mathematical symbols and processes

Example units for 22294VIC Certificate I in Initial Adult Literacy and Numeracy

Literacy Units
VU21737 Read phrases
VU21738 Write phrases
VU21739 Communicate orally using phrases
VU21740 Read simple sentences
VU21741 Write simple sentences
VU21742 Communicate orally using simple sentences
VU21041 Complete forms
VU21284 Engage with short simple texts for learning purposes
VU21282 Develop a learning plan and portfolio with support
VU21288 Create short simple texts for learning purposes
VU21743 Give and follow simple directions
VU20939 Recognise and interpret safety signs and symbols


Numeracy Units
VU21744 Recognise and use simple fractions
VU21745 Count and use numbers from 1 to 100
VU21746 Count to 50 by multiples of 2
VU21747 Count to 50 by multiples of 5
VU21748 Count to 100 by multiples of 10
VU21749 Count to 100 by multiples of 20
VU21750 Count to 1000 by multiples of 50
VU21751 Use simple metric weights
VU21752 Use simple liquid measures
VU21753 Use simple linear measures
VU21754 Use coins and notes
VU21755 Use simple addition skills
VU21756 Use simple subtraction skills

The Course in Initial Adult Literacy and Numeracy and the Certificate I in Initial Adult Literacy and Numeracy is delivered ‘Face to Face’ in our South Melbourne location and ‘Face to Face’ in various suburban and regional locations, the program is very interactive with high levels of discussion and role play.

All teachers in the Adult Literacy and Numeracy Programs are qualified teachers with further special needs qualifications or experience or have qualifications and experience to meet these criteria. Support staff are also engaged for each program to assist the teachers to offer individualised support to students where required.

Depending on the type of delivery mode chosen the qualification duration would normally be six to twelve months and can be repeated for consolidation of learning and fulfilling all course outcomes for the award of the full certification.

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