Community Support

Qualifications for caring, understanding and supporting others.

Community Support

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CHC33021 Certificate III in Individual Support

Detailed information regarding Fees and Charges are available here Fees & Charges

Payment Model Tuition Fee Resources Fee Amenities Fee TOTAL
Skills First Funded $100.00 $0.00 $0.00 $100.00
Skills First Funded with Concession $20.00 $0.00 $0.00 $20.00
Fee for Service $9,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $9,000.00
NOTE: student tuition fees as published are subject to change given individual circumstances at time of enrolment. does not take tuition fees in advance above an amount of $1500.00 from any student enrolling in a course. If any further fees are required throughout the course the amount taken by will not exceed $1500 for services not yet provided.
Fee for Service rates apply to those who do not meet the Victorian Skills First eligibility criteria and wish to study qualifications.
Courses and workshops delivered by outside the National Qualifications Framework are charged at the Fee for Services rates applicable at the time of enquiry.
*Eligibility criteria applies for both the Victorian Skills First Funding and for the Concession Rate.
Core units
CHCCCS031 Provide individualised support
CHCCCS038 Facilitate the empowerment of people receiving support
CHCCCS040 Support independence and wellbeing
CHCCCS041 Recognise healthy body systems
CHCCOM005 Communicate and work in health or community services
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
CHCLEG001 Work legally and ethically
HLTINF006 Apply basic principles and practices of infection prevention and control
HLTWHS002 Follow safe work practices for direct client care


Group B electives – DISABILITY specialisation
CHCDIS011 Contribute to ongoing skills development using a strengths-based approach
CHCDIS012 Support community participation and social inclusion
CHCDIS020 Work effectively in disability support


Group C Other electives
CHCAGE007 Recognise and report risk of falls
CHCDIS012 Provide food services
CHCAOD001 Work in an alcohol and other drugs context
CHCCCS001 Address the needs of people with chronic disease
CHCCCS017 Provide loss and grief support
CHCCCS033 Identify and report abuse
CHCCCS034 Facilitate independent travel
CHCCCS035 Support people with autism spectrum disorder
CHCCCS036 Support relationships with carer and family
CHCCCS037 Visit client residence
CHCCCS042 Prepare meals
CHCCCS043 Support positive mealtime experiences
CHCCCS044 Follow established person-centred behaviour supports
CHCDIS011 Contribute to ongoing skills development using a strengths-based approach
CHCDIS013 Assist with communication using augmentative and alternative communication methods
CHCDIV002 Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety
CHCGRP001 Support group activities
CHCMHS001 Work with people with mental health issues
HLTAID011 Provide First Aid
HLTHPS006 Assist clients with medication
HLTOHC007 Recognise and respond to oral health issues

The Certificate IV in Disability is delivered ‘Face to Face’ in our South Melbourne location and on-site in participating workplaces, the program is very interactive with high levels of discussion and role play.

A Blended Learning program may be available for those currently employed in the industry requiring the qualification, this can be discussed at interview.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is available to applicants who have the experience and expertise from previous study or employment that would enable them to provide documented evidence that demonstrates competency in the learning outcomes of the Qualification Units.

Depending on the type of delivery mode chosen the qualification duration would normally be over twelve months (excluding RPL or Credit Transfer).

A Practical Placement of 120 Hrs is required to be completed as part of the course and prior to awarding the qualification outcome and certification.

** Completion of this Certificate III in Individual Support (Disability) is a pre-requisite for entry to the Certificate IV in Disability Support qualification.

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